Information for international patients
Appointments for international patients for purposes of consultation, diagnostics and inpatient treatment via:
Prof. Dr. med. U. Böcker, M.A.
Head of Department
Department of Internal Medicine
Vivantes Hospital Neukölln
Rudower Straße 48
D-12351 Berlin
Phone +49 30 130 14 3801
Fax +49 30 130 14 3802
Administration and consultation hour: Pavilion 4, Level 2
Level 2: Comfort Ward 20 and Comfort Clinic 21
Level 4: General Wards 42 and 43
The Department of Internal Medicine IV is specialized in Gastroenterology and Diabetology thereby covering all diseases of the esophagus, stomach, small and large bowel, liver, bile system and pancreas. All diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic procedures are performed. To schedule an appointment please call +49 (0) 30-130 14 3801 or send an Email to Gastroenterologie.KNK@vivantes.de. Please note that you may require a referral from your physician. International patients may contact Vivantes International for preparation of their visit. At the day of the appointment please bring past medical records.
Polish / Polski
W naszej klinice, leczymy wszystkie choroby przewodu pokarmowego, co oznacza: choroby przełyku, żołądka, jelit, wątroby, pęcherzyka żółciowego ,dróg żółciowych oraz trzustki. Dotyczy to w szczególności ostrych i przewlekłych chorob wątroby i trzustki, przewlekłych chorob zapalnych jelit (Leśniowskiego-Crohna i wrzodziejące zapalenie jelita grubego) oraz chorób i zaburzeń, które wymagają badania i leczenia endoskopowego.
Ponadto Klinika specjalizuje się w leczeniu osób chorych na cukrzycę .
Terminy prosimy ustalac pod numerem tel. +49 30-130 143801 lub przez e-mail w Gastroenterologie.KNK@vivantes.de.
Porady odbywaja sie w jezyku niemieckim lub angielskim.
W razie potrzeby prosimy przyjsc z tlumaczem lub osoba zaufana.
Chetnie pomozemy i udostepnimy pomoc w tlumaczeniu. Prosimy o wskazowke przy ustlaniu terminu.
Arabic / عربي
في المستشفى ، يتم تشخيص و علاج جميع أمراض الجهاز الهضمي مثل أمراض المرئ، المعدة، الأمعاء، الكبد و المرارة و القنوات المرارية، و يتم أيضاً علاج الحالات الحادة و المزمنة لأمراض الكبد و البنكرياس و مرض التهاب القولون المزمن ( كرون و التهاب القولون التقرّحي ) و جميع الإضطرابات و الأمراض التي تستدعي الفحص و العلاج بالمناظير.
بالإضافة لذلك يقدم المستشفى خدمة عيادة متخصصة في رعاية مرضى السكري ( داء السكر بأنواعه )
لحجز المواعيد يرجى الاتصال على هاتف رقم 143801 130-30 49+ أو عن طريق البريد الإكتروني Gastroenterologie.KNK@vivantes.de
عند طلب الموعد، يرجى تحديد ما إذا كان توفير مترجم للّغة الألمانية والإنجليزية من قبلنا ضرورياً أو إعلامنا في حالة إحضاركم لمترجم شخصي معكم أثناء الموعد.
Turkish / Türkçe
İç Hastalıkları, Gastroenteroloji ve Diyabet Bilimi Kliniği şeker hastalığı ile birlikte karaciğer, pankreas, safra kesesi, yemek borusu, mide ve bağırsak hastalıkları konusunda uzman bir kurum olarak hastalara hizmet vermektedir. Klinik özellikle siroz gibi kronik karaciğer hastalıkları ve kronik iltihabi bağırsak hastalıkları (Crohn hastalığı ve ülseratif kolit) olan insanlara odaklanmaktadır. Teşhis ve tedavi için gerekli olan her türlü sonografik ve endoskopik yöntemler (örneğin gastroskopi ve kolonoskopi) burada gerçekleştirilmektedir. Muayene amacıyla randevu almak için lütfen +49 (0)30-130143801 telefon numarasını arayınız. Yatarak tedavi olmak için lütfen Servis 43'e, +49 (0)30-130142243 telefon numarasından ulaşınız. Bizlere yazılı olarak +49(0)30-130143802 faks numarasından veya Gastroenterologie.KNK@vivantes.de e-posta adresi üzerinden ulaşabilirsiniz. Randevu alırken lütfen doktor tarafından gerçekleştirilecek olan bir sevk veya yatış işleminin gerekli olup olmadığını görüşünüz. Lütfen her zaman önceki bulgulara ait dokümanları yanınızda getiriniz.
Spectrum of Services
Certified training and treatment institution for patients with Diabetes mellitus type 1, type 2 and type 3.
We offer:
- Individual blood sugar adjustment by means of oral antidiabetics,
incretin mimetics and insulin (BOT, CT, ICT, CSII). - Diagnostics, treatment and therapy adaptation regarding
hypoglycemia. - Further treatment of hyperglycemic metabolic destabilizations
including severe cases (ketoacidosis, hyperosmolar
coma). - Individual consultation for inpatients.
- Treatment of diabetic foot syndrome patients.
- Treatment of other diabetic organ complications in
cooperation with specialized departments. - Subcutaneous continuous blood sugar monitoring
Our diabetes counseling provides you with specific information and practical support concerning your everyday life as Diabetes mellitus patient.
We want to enable you to preserve or even to improve your Life quality.
This particularly includes a higher life expectancy, a better self-esteem and a stronger health as well as more independence and autonomy for your life with diabetes.