2006-2012: Medizinstudium in Prag und München
2012-2015: Assistenzarzt für Urologie am Theresienkrankenhaus Mannheim (Chefarzt Prof. Dr. med. Kai-Uwe Köhrmann)
2015-2018: Assistenzarzt für Urologie an der Universitätsmedizin Mannheim (Direktor Prof. Dr. med. Maurice-Stephan Michel)
2017: Dissertation: „Kognitiv MRT fusionierte Stanzbiopsie zur Detektion des Prostatakarzinoms“ (Doktorvater: Prof. Dr. med. K.U. Köhrmann)
2018-2024: Oberarzt an der Universitätsmedizin Mannheim
2018-2020: Leitung des Kompetenzzentrums Medikamentöse Tumortherapie
2018-2024: Leitung des Zentrums für Hodentumoren
2020-2024: Leitung der Sektion Endourologie an der Universitätsmedizin Mannheim
2024: Habilitation zum Thema: Innovative Laser-OP-Techniken in der komplexen Endourologie
Seit 2024: Departmentleitung Endourologie und Ärztliche Leitung des urologischen Laserzentrums am Vivantes Auguste-Viktoria-Klinikum
Ausgewählte Publikationen:
Herrmann, J., Hartung, F. O., Kriegmair, M. C., Becker, B., Lusuardi, L., Herrmann, T. R. W. & Netsch, C. (2024) [Should we all switch to en-bloc resection of bladder tumours?]. Aktuelle Urol.
Hartung, F. O., Egen, L., Gruene, B., Wenk, M. J., Kowalewski, K. F., Patroi, P., Rassweiler-Seyfried, M. C., Michel, M. S. & Herrmann, J. (2024a) Pulse modulation in En-Bloc HoLEP: does it really matter? A propensity score matched analysis. World J Urol, 42(1), 154.
Herrmann, J., H. Schmidt, K. Nitschke, C.-A. Weis, P. Nuhn, J. von Hardenberg, M. S. Michel, P. Erben and T. S. Worst (2021). "RNA Expression of DNA Damage Response Genes in Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer: Influence on Outcome and Response to Adjuvant Cisplatin-Based Chemotherapy." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(8): 4188.
Grune, B., K. F. Kowalewksi, F. Waldbillig, J. von Hardenberg, M. C. Rassweiler-Seyfried, M. C. Kriegmair and J. Herrmann (2021). "The Comprehensive Complication Index (CCI) for improved reporting of complications in endourological stone treatment." Urolithiasis 49(3): 269-279.
Hartung, F. O., K. F. Kowalewski, J. von Hardenberg, T. S. Worst, M. C. Kriegmair, P. Nuhn, T. R. W. Herrmann, M. S. Michel and J. Herrmann (2022). "Holmium Versus Thulium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials." Eur Urol Focus 8(2): 545-554.
Kowalewski, K. F., F. O. Hartung, J. Von Hardenberg, C. Haney, M. Kriegmair, P. Nuhn, P. Patroi, N. Westhoff, P. Honeck, T. Herrmann, M. S. Michel and J. Herrmann (2022). "Robot assisted simple prostatectomy versus endoscopic enucleation of the prostate: A systematic review and meta-analysis of comparative trials." J Endourol. 36(8):1018-1028.
Grüne, B., M. C. Rassweiler-Seyfried, K. Müller, P. Nuhn, M. S. Michel, N. Younsi, R. Stein and J. Herrmann (2022). "Ultra-mini-PCNL using the urological Dyna-CT in small infants: a single-center experience." Int Urol Nephrol 54(5): 979-984.
Himmler, M., B. Grune, J. von Hardenberg, F. O. Hartung, K. F. Kowalewski, M. C. Rassweiler-Seyfried, M. S. Michel and J. Herrmann (2022). "Switching Lasers: Learning Curve of Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate in Surgeons Experienced in Thulium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate." J Endourol 36(11): 1444-1451.
Hartung F.O., Kowalewski K.-F., Morina F., Egen L., Neuberger M., Gruene B., Wenk M., Kriegmair M.C., Nuhn P., Patroi P., Westhoff N., Honeck P., Rassweiler-Seyfried M.-C., Michel M.S., Herrmann J. (2023) “Perioperative outcome of Thulium Laser enucleation of the prostate (ThuLEP) versus robot-assisted simple prostatectomy (RASP): a propensity score matched analysis.” Urol Int 107(7):678-683
Grune, B., F. Siegel, F. Waldbillig, D. Pfalzgraf, G. Kamdje Wabo, J. Herrmann, M. C. Kriegmair, P. Nuhn, M. S. Michel and J. von Hardenberg (2022). "Long-term Reinterventions after Thulium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate: 12-Year Experience with more than 1000 Patients." Eur Urol Focus. 8(5):1370-1375
Hartung FO, Müller KJ, Herrmann J, Grüne B, Michel MS, Rassweiler-Seyfried MC. (2023) "Comparison of endoscopic versus CT assessment of stone-free status after percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL)" Urolithiasis. 51(1):120
Becker, B., Hook, S., Gross, A. J., Rosenbaum, C., Filmar, S., Herrmann, J. & Netsch, C. (2024) Thulium or holmium laser or both: where will the journey take us?. Aktuelle Urol.
Hartung, F. O., Egen, L., Grüne, B., Netsch, C., Patroi, P., Kriegmair, M. C., von Hardenberg, J., Rassweiler-Seyfried, M. C., Michel, M. S., Wenk, M. J. & Herrmann, J. (2024b) Perioperative Outcomes and Complication Rates in Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate Patients After Prior Prostate Biopsy-Does It Really Make a Difference? A Propensity Score Matched Analysis. J Endourol.
Netsch, C., Gross, A. J., Herrmann, T. R., Herrmann, J. & Becker, B. (2024) [Minimally-Invasive Surgical Techniques (MIST): Shedding Light on the Mist]. Aktuelle Urol.
Borkowetz, A., J. Bruendl, M. Drerup, J. Herrmann, H. Isbarn, B. Beyer and S. R. U. A. P. C. G. Ge (2018). "Multicenter evaluation of guideline adherence for pelvic lymph node dissection in patients undergoing open retropubic vs. laparoscopic or robot assisted radical prostatectomy according to the recent German S3 guideline on prostate cancer." World J Urol 36(6): 855-861.
Franz, T., J. von Hardenberg, A. Blana, H. Cash, D. Baumunk, G. Salomon, B. Hadaschik, T. Henkel, J. Herrmann, F. Kahmann, K. U. Kohrmann, J. Kollermann, S. Kruck, U. B. Liehr, S. Machtens, I. Peters, J. P. Radtke, A. Roosen, H. P. Schlemmer, L. Sentker, J. J. Wendler, U. Witzsch, J. U. Stolzenburg, M. Schostak and R. Ganzer (2017). "[MRI/TRUS fusion-guided prostate biopsy : Value in the context of focal therapy]." Urologe A 56(2): 208-216.
Wenzel, M., J. von Hardenberg, M. N. Welte, S. Doryumu, B. Hoeh, C. Wittler, T. Hofner, M. C. Kriegmair, M. S. Michel, F. K. Chun, J. Herrmann, P. Mandel and N. Westhoff (2021). "Monoprophylaxis With Cephalosporins for Transrectal Prostate Biopsy After the Fluoroquinolone-Era: A Multi-Institutional Comparison of Severe Infectious Complications." Front Oncol 11: 684144.
Kornienko, K., F. Siegel, A. Borkowetz, M. A. Hoffmann, M. Drerup, V. Lieb, J. Bruendl, T. Hofner, H. Cash, J. von Hardenberg, J.Herrmann, N. Westhoff and G. A. P. C. Group (2021). "Active surveillance inclusion criteria under scrutiny in magnetic resonance imaging-guided prostate biopsy: a multicenter cohort study." Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis. 25(1):109-116
Neuberger, M., J. Skladny, N. Goly, F. Wessels, C. Weiß, L. Egen, P. Erben, G. R.-W. M, B. Grüne, F. Hartung, J. Herrmann, P. Honeck, J. Jarczyk, K. F. Kowalewski, J. Mühlbauer, K. Nitschke, M. Nientiedt, M. T. Walach, F. Waldbillig, N. Westhoff, V. O. N. H. J, M. Kriegmair, T. S. Worst and P. Nuhn (2022). "Baseline Modified Glasgow Prognostic Score (mGPS) Predicts Radiologic Response and Overall Survival in Metastatic Hormone-sensitive Prostate Cancer Treated With Docetaxel Chemotherapy." Anticancer Res 42(4): 1911-1918.
Burger, R., J. Jarczyk, N. Westhoff, T. S. Worst, J. Herrmann, K. Merx, A. Weidner, P. Unglaub, M. Müller, P. Nuhn, M. S. Michel and J. von Hardenberg (2022). "[Immunotherapy in urologic oncology : Response and treatment interruptions due to adverse events in a bicentric real-world analysis]." Urologe A 61(7):759-766
Neuberger, M., N. Goly, J. Skladny, V. Milczynski, C. Weiß, F. Wessels, K. Nitschke, B. Grüne, C. M. Haney, F. Hartung, J. Herrmann, J. Jarczyk, K. F. Kowalewski, F. Waldbillig, M. C. Kriegmair, N. Westhoff, T. S. Worst and P. Nuhn (2022). "Systemic inflammatory biomarkers as predictive and prognostic factors in men with metastatic castration-refractory prostate cancer treated with docetaxel therapy: a comprehensive analysis in a German real-world cohort." J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2022 [in Press] doi: 10.1007/s00432-022-04220-w
Neuberger, M., C. Weiß, N. Goly, J. Skladny, K. Nitschke, F. Wessels, K. F. Kowalewski, F. Waldbillig, F. Hartung, M. Nientiedt, L. Egen, J. Herrmann, J. Jarczyk, M. T. Walach, M. C. Kriegmair, N. Westhoff, T. S. Worst and P. Nuhn (2022). "Changes in neutrophile-to-lymphocyte ratio as predictive and prognostic biomarker in metastatic prostate cancer treated with taxane-based chemotherapy." Discov Oncol 13(1): 140.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie
European Association of Urology
American Scociety of Clinical Oncology
German Society of Residents in Urology (GesRU)
Société Internationale d’Urologie
BRIDGE e.V. (Bladder Cancer Research Initiative for Drug Targets Germany)
Society of Endourology
Arbeitskreis Endourologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Urologie